Movies like Star Leaf to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Star Leaf with Julian Gavilanes, Kiki Yeung, Richard Cranor & Russell Hodgkinson & created by Richard Cranor?

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Hikers find a secret grove of extra-terrestrial marijuana and must fight for their lives when they anger the other-worldly forces protecting the plants.

TAGLINE: "Some highs are out of this world."

Its release date is Saturday June 6, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic American Cannabis, Cannabis, Marijuana & Outer Space
Genre Horror
Country The United States
Director Richard Cranor
Starring Julian Gavilanes, Kiki Yeung, Richard Cranor & Russell Hodgkinson
Written by Hugh Berry, Richard Cranor, Richard Cranor (created by) & Richard Cranor (story)
Runtime 77 min

Other Horror movies by Richard Cranor

Star Leaf | Jun 6th, 2015

Star Leaf
3.5/10 | By Richard Cranor
The United States | Horror
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Fandango Tubi TV

Other Horror movies written by Hugh Berry

Star Leaf | Jun 6th, 2015

Star Leaf
3.5/10 | By Richard Cranor
The United States | Horror
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Fandango Tubi TV