Movies like Starstruck to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Romance & TV Movie movie Starstruck with Chelsea Kane, Danielle Campbell, Maggie Castle & Sterling Knight & created by Michael Grossman?
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Jessica Olsen was expecting a normal trip to California with her family to visit her grandma. However, she agrees to join her older sister to find the famous pop star, Christopher Wilde.
Its release date is Sunday February 14, 2010
Its release date is Sunday February 14, 2010
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Adventure, Beach, Celebrities, Celebrity, Love, Paparazzi, Pop Singer, Sibling Relationship, Singers, Song & Teenage Romance |
Genre | Comedy, Romance & TV Movie |
Country | The United States |
Director | Michael Grossman |
Starring | Chelsea Kane, Danielle Campbell, Maggie Castle & Sterling Knight |
Place | Los Angeles |
Location | Los Angeles |
Written by | Annie DeYoung (teleplay), Barbara Johns (story) & Barbara Johns (teleplay) |
Runtime | 90 min |