Movies like Submergence to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Romance & Thriller movie Submergence with Alexander Siddig, Alicia Vikander, Celyn Jones & James McAvoy & created by Wim Wenders?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Submergence?

In a room with no windows on the eastern coast of Africa, a Scotsman, James More, is held captive by jihadist fighters. Thousands of miles away in the Greenland Sea, Danielle Flinders ...

TAGLINE: "Love has no limits"

Its release date is Thursday February 15, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Abduction, Africa, Based On Novel Or Book, Beach, Captive, Christmas, France, Ocean Floor, Romance & Scientists
Genre Drama, Romance & Thriller
Country France
Director Wim Wenders
Starring Alexander Siddig, Alicia Vikander, Celyn Jones & James McAvoy
Place Nairobi
Written by Erin Dignam (screenplay) & J.M. Ledgard (novel)
Cinematography Benoît Debie
Music Fernando Velázquez (composer)
Runtime 112 min

Other Drama movies by Wim Wenders

Plenty | Sep 20th, 1985

6.5/10 | By Fred Schepisi & Wim Wenders
The United States & United Kingdom | Drama & Romance
Amazon Video

Faraway, So Close! | Sep 9th, 1993

Faraway, So Close!
7.3/10 | By Wim Wenders
Germany | Drama & Fantasy
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Drama movies written by Erin Dignam (screenplay)