Movies like Sucker Punch to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Fantasy & Thriller movie Sucker Punch with Abbie Cornish, Emily Browning, Jena Malone & Vanessa Hudgens & created by Zack Snyder?

Movies like Sucker Punch with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sucker Punch?

A young girl is institutionalized by her abusive stepfather, retreating to an alternative reality as a coping strategy, envisioning a plan to help her escape.

TAGLINE: "You will be unprepared"

Its release date is Thursday March 24, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alternate reality, Asylum, Brothel, Domestic Violence & Child Abuse, Escape, Fantasy, Inmate, Mental Hospitals & Insane Asylums, Mental Illness Fiction, Reality, Robot & Violence
Genre Action, Fantasy & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Zack Snyder
Starring Abbie Cornish, Emily Browning, Jena Malone & Vanessa Hudgens
Place Psychiatric Hospitals & Vermont
Time 1960s
Location Toronto & Vancouver
Written by Steve Shibuya (screenplay), Zack Snyder (screenplay) & Zack Snyder (story)
Cinematography Larry Fong
Music Marius de Vries
Runtime 110 min

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7.7/10 | By Zack Snyder
The United States | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Historical & War
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