Movies like Summer in the City to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Summer in the City with Julianna Guill, Marc Bendavid, Marla Sokoloff & Vivica A. Fox & created by Vic Sarin?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Summer in the City?
The star manager of a small-town clothing store is suddenly promoted to run a company's flagship store... in Manhattan. To make it in the big city, she must combine her newly acquired New ...
Its release date is Saturday August 13, 2016
Its release date is Saturday August 13, 2016
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Adultery, Alcoholism, Clothing Store, Dysfunctional Families, Fashion, Grieving, Manhattan, Missing People, New York City & Years |
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Director | Vic Sarin |
Starring | Julianna Guill, Marc Bendavid, Marla Sokoloff & Vivica A. Fox |
Place | New York City |
Time | 2016 |
Location | New York City |
Written by | Gary Goldstein |
Cinematography | Charlotte Bruus Christensen |
Music | Danny Elfman |
Runtime | 83 min |