Movies like Summertime to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie Summertime with Cécile de France, Izïa Higelin, Laetitia Dosch & Noémie Lvovsky & created by Catherine Corsini?
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There was little chance, in the year 1971, that Carole, a Paris Spanish teacher and feminist militant, would ever meet Delphine, the daughter of a couple of Limousin farmers. But they did ...
Its release date is Wednesday August 19, 2015
Its release date is Wednesday August 19, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Farm, Feminism, Lesbian Interest, LGBT, Love, Mother Daughter Relationship, Sisterhood & Woman Director |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Romance |
Country | Belgium & France |
Director | Catherine Corsini |
Starring | Cécile de France, Izïa Higelin, Laetitia Dosch & Noémie Lvovsky |
Time | 1970s |
Written by | Catherine Corsini & Laurette Polmanss |
Cinematography | Jeanne Lapoirie |
Music | Grégoire Hetzel |
Runtime | 105 min |