Movies like Sunday Bloody Sunday to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Sunday Bloody Sunday with Glenda Jackson, Murray Head, Peggy Ashcroft & Peter Finch & created by John Schlesinger?

Movies like Sunday Bloody Sunday with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sunday Bloody Sunday?

The emotional intricacies of a polyamorous relationship between young artist Bob and his two lovers: a lonely male doctor and a frustrated female office worker.

TAGLINE: "It's about three decent people. They will break your heart."

Its release date is Thursday July 1, 1971

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Artist, Gay Interest, Gay Relationship, Jew / Jewish, London England, Love Triangle, Male Bisexuality, Romance & Sexuality
Genre Drama
Country United Kingdom
Director John Schlesinger
Starring Glenda Jackson, Murray Head, Peggy Ashcroft & Peter Finch
Place England & London
Location England
Written by Penelope Gilliatt (screenplay)
Runtime 110 min

Other Drama movies by John Schlesinger

The Innocent | Sep 16th, 1993

The Innocent
5.6/10 | By John Schlesinger
Germany | Drama & Romance

Eye for an Eye | Jan 12th, 1996

Eye for an Eye
6.1/10 | By John Schlesinger
The United States | Drama & Thriller
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Marathon | Jan 27th, 2005

7.5/10 | By John Schlesinger & Yoon-chul Chung
South Korea | Drama
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