Movies like Super Fuzz to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Fantasy movie Super Fuzz with Ernest Borgnine, Joanne Dru, Marc Lawrence & Terence Hill & created by Sergio Corbucci?

Movies like Super Fuzz with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Super Fuzz?

Red powder from a nuclear explosion gives a police officer super powers as long as he doesn't see anything red. He is eventually framed for murder and is unsuccessfully executed by many different methods.

TAGLINE: "Dave Speed is saving the world from crime... but who is saving the world from Dave Speed?"

Its release date is Thursday September 18, 1980

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Hero, Lorry, Police, Pool Billiards & Rot
Genre Action, Comedy & Fantasy
Country Spain
Director Sergio Corbucci
Starring Ernest Borgnine, Joanne Dru, Marc Lawrence & Terence Hill
Place Miami
Location Miami
Written by Sabatino Ciuffini & Sergio Corbucci
Runtime 97 min

Other Action movies by Sergio Corbucci

The Mercenary | Aug 28th, 1968

The Mercenary
7.3/10 | By Sergio Corbucci
Italy | Action, Comedy & Western
Amazon Prime Video Starz