Movies like Surrogates to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Sci-fi, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Surrogates with Bruce Willis, James Cromwell, Radha Mitchell & Rosamund Pike & created by Jonathan Mostow?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Surrogates?

Set in a futuristic world where humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots, a cop is forced to leave his home for the first time in years in order to investigate the murders of others' surrogates.

TAGLINE: "How do you save humanity when the only thing that's real is you?"

Its release date is Thursday September 24, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Artificial Intelligence & Robots, Clone, Dystopia, Future, Murder, Robot & The Future
Genre Action, Sci-fi, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Jonathan Mostow
Starring Bruce Willis, James Cromwell, Radha Mitchell & Rosamund Pike
Place Boston, Massachusetts, Middle East, New York (state) & San Diego
Time 2025
Location Massachusetts
Written by Brett Weldele (graphic novel), John Brancato (screenplay), Michael Ferris (screenplay) & Robert Venditti (graphic novel)
Cinematography Oliver Wood (cinematographer)
Music Richard Marvin (composer)
Runtime 89 min

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