Movies like Tarzan Triumphs to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & War movie Tarzan Triumphs with Frances Gifford, Johnny Sheffield, Johnny Weissmuller & Stanley Ridges & created by Wilhelm Thiele?
Movies like Tarzan Triumphs with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tarzan Triumphs?
Zandra, white princess of a lost civilization, comes to Tarzan for help when Nazis invade the jungle with plans to conquer her people and take their wealth. Tarzan, the isolationist, ...
Its release date is Wednesday January 20, 1943
Its release date is Wednesday January 20, 1943
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Animal Attack, Jungle, Loincloth, Nazi, Nazis Fiction & Tarzan |
Genre | Action, Adventure & War |
Country | The United States |
Director | Wilhelm Thiele |
Starring | Frances Gifford, Johnny Sheffield, Johnny Weissmuller & Stanley Ridges |
Written by | Carroll Young (from a story by), Carroll Young (screenplay), Edgar Rice Burroughs (based upon the characters created by) & Roy Chanslor (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Harry J. Wild |
Music | Paul Sawtell |
Runtime | 76 min |