Movies like Taxi to the Dark Side to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Taxi to the Dark Side with Alex Gibney, Brian Keith Allen, Christopher Beiring & Moazzam Begg & created by Alex Gibney?

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Alex Gibney exposes the haunting details of the USA's torture and interrogation practices during the War in Afghanistan.

TAGLINE: "In 2002, a young cap driver picked up a few passengers near his home in Afghanistan... He never returned"

Its release date is Monday April 30, 2007

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Topic Afghanistan, Documentary American Politics, Documentary Crime, Documentary Human Rights, Guantanamo Bay, Taxi & Torture Chamber
Genre Documentary
Country United Kingdom
Director Alex Gibney
Starring Alex Gibney, Brian Keith Allen, Christopher Beiring & Moazzam Begg
Time Documentary War Afghanistan (2001–14) & Documentary War Afghanistan (2001–present)
Written by Alex Gibney
Music Robert Logan
Runtime 106 min

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Zero Days
7.8/10 | By Alex Gibney
United States of America | Documentary
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime

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