Movies like Teen Spirit to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Fantasy movie Teen Spirit with Carissa Capobianco, Cassandra Scerbo, Chris Zylka, Elena Varela, Lindsay Shaw & Lindsey Shaw & created by Gil Junger?

Movies like Teen Spirit with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Teen Spirit?

The story is about Amber, a mean popular girl who gets electrocuted and dies and is not allowed to enter into heaven unless she helps the least popular girl in school become Prom Queen within a week, but things do not go as planned.

TAGLINE: "From geek to chic in one week? Her afterlife depends on it!"

Its release date is Sunday August 7, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Heaven, High School, Life after death, Mission, Nerds, Popular kids, Prom Queen & Proms
Genre Comedy, Drama & Fantasy
Country The United States
Director Gil Junger
Starring Carissa Capobianco, Cassandra Scerbo, Chris Zylka, Elena Varela, Lindsay Shaw & Lindsey Shaw
Location North Carolina
Written by Bob Young (teleplay), David Kendall (teleplay) & Kathryn McCullough (story and teleplay)
Cinematography Dave Perkal
Runtime 82 min

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