Movies like The Adventurers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Thriller movie The Adventurers with Andy Lau, Paul Chun, Rosamund Kwan & Wu Chien-Lien & created by Ringo Lam?

Movies like The Adventurers with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Adventurers?

Andy was a child when his parents murdered by a double agent in Vietnam, Ray Liu. Andy was raised by his dad's best friend. When he grown up, he became a pilot and Ray was a very powerful and rich man in Vietnam. After his unsuccessf
Its release date is Wednesday August 2, 1995

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Action & Thriller
Country Hong Kong
Director Ringo Lam
Starring Andy Lau, Paul Chun, Rosamund Kwan & Wu Chien-Lien
Place Cambodia, Hong Kong, San Francisco & Thailand
Location Hong Kong, Philippines & San Francisco
Written by Kwong-Yam Yip, Ringo Lam & Sandy Shaw
Runtime 108 min

Other Action movies by Ringo Lam

Triangle | Oct 1st, 2007

6.3/10 | By Hark Tsui, Johnnie To & Ringo Lam
China | Action & Thriller
Hulu Amazon Prime Video Vudu

Maximum Risk | Sep 13th, 1996

Maximum Risk
5.5/10 | By Ringo Lam
The United States | Action, Adventure & Thriller
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime

Wild City | Jul 25th, 2015

Wild City
5.7/10 | By Ringo Lam
Hong Kong | Action, Crime & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation