Movies like The Adventures of Jane to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie The Adventures of Jane with Christabel Leighton-Porter, Michael Hogarth, Stanelli & Wally Patch & created by Alfred J. Goulding & Edward G. Whiting?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Adventures of Jane?

Jane is given a bracelet by an elderly admirer. He is in league with Cleaver, a suave crook, and the two plan to use Jane and the bracelet to smuggle diamonds into England.
Its release date is Saturday January 1, 1949

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Topic Based On Comic
Genre Comedy
Country United Kingdom
Director Alfred J. Goulding & Edward G. Whiting
Starring Christabel Leighton-Porter, Michael Hogarth, Stanelli & Wally Patch
Place Brighton
Written by Alfred J. Goulding (story), Con West (story) & Edward G. Whiting (story)
Runtime 60 min