Movies like The Amber Light to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie The Amber Light with Alasdair Gray, Dave Broom & Ian Rankin?

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The story of whisky has been told many times. But this film takes a different view, showing how it has been shaped by geology and climate, by tales told on the side of the road and in the corners of pubs. Whisky is a product of folklore and myth, of music and alchemy, of chance rather than design. This is the twisting, shifting and multi-layered tale. In this journey through the lesser-known parts of Scottish whisky culture, we follow spirits writer Dave Broom on his quest to gain a deeper understanding of his national drink. While whisky has never been as popular, it is often seen in the context of being a brand which sits outside people’s lives. It’s often thought of as a drink which speaks of the past rather than engaged with a dynamic present.
Its release date is Saturday June 22, 2019

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Genre Documentary
Country United Kingdom
Starring Alasdair Gray, Dave Broom & Ian Rankin
Time 2019