Movies like The Andromeda Strain to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction & Thriller movie The Andromeda Strain with Arthur Hill, David Wayne, James Olson & Kate Reid & created by Robert Wise?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Andromeda Strain?
A team of top scientists work feverishly in a secret, state-of-the-art laboratory to discover what has killed the citizens of a small town and learn how this deadly contagion can be stopped.
Its release date is Friday March 12, 1971
Its release date is Friday March 12, 1971
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Alien Phenomenons, Biological Weapon, Biological Weapons Popular Culture, Biology, Chemistry, Epilepsy, Extraterrestrial Life, NASA, New Mexico, Secret Lab, Space Hazards & Viral Outbreaks |
Genre | Science Fiction & Thriller |
Country | United States of America |
Director | Robert Wise |
Starring | Arthur Hill, David Wayne, James Olson & Kate Reid |
Place | New Mexico |
Written by | Michael Crichton (novel) & Nelson Gidding (screenplay) |
Runtime | 131 min |