Movies like The Bartender to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie The Bartender with Ivan Okhlobystin, Vitaliy Gogunskiy, Yuliya Parshuta & Yuriy Stoyanov & created by Dina Shturmanova?

Movies like The Bartender with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Bartender?

Vadim is an ordinary office worker with no prospects, desperate to somehow change his boring life. One afternoon, while pondering his life in a pub, a mysterious bartender offers Vadik a ...
Its release date is Thursday June 18, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bar, Bartender, Disability & Writers
Genre Comedy
Country Russia
Director Dina Shturmanova
Starring Ivan Okhlobystin, Vitaliy Gogunskiy, Yuliya Parshuta & Yuriy Stoyanov
Place Berlin
Location Atlanta
Written by Denis Kaymakov
Cinematography Gary Shaw & Rodrigo Prieto
Music Clint Mansell & Thomas Newman
Runtime N/A