Movies like The Beckoning Silence to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Documentary & Drama movie The Beckoning Silence with Andreas Abegglen, Cyrille Berthod, Simon Anthamatten & Steven Mackintosh & created by Louise Osmond?

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After a near-death mountain climbing accident, Joe Simpson's injuries were so severe he was told he'd never climb again. His recovery left him to confront the question: why, after coming so...
Its release date is Monday October 22, 2007

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Topic Climbing, Mountain, Mountaineer & Woman Director
Genre Action, Documentary & Drama
Country United Kingdom
Director Louise Osmond
Starring Andreas Abegglen, Cyrille Berthod, Simon Anthamatten & Steven Mackintosh
Written by Rupert Walters (original treatment)
Runtime 73 min