Movies like The Birdcage to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie The Birdcage with Dianne Wiest, Gene Hackman, Nathan Lane & Robin Williams & created by Mike Nichols?

Movies like The Birdcage with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Birdcage?

A gay cabaret owner and his drag queen companion agree to put up a false straight front so that their son can introduce them to his fiancée's right-wing moralistic parents.

TAGLINE: "Come as you are."

Its release date is Friday March 8, 1996

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Coming Out, Drag Queen, Florida, Gay, Homophobia, LGBT, Politician, Senator & Weddings
Genre Comedy
Country The United States
Director Mike Nichols
Starring Dianne Wiest, Gene Hackman, Nathan Lane & Robin Williams
Place Miami
Location Miami
Written by Édouard Molinaro (earlier screenplay), Elaine May (screenplay), Francis Veber (earlier screenplay), Jean Poiret (earlier screenplay), Jean Poiret (play) & Marcello Danon (earlier screenplay)
Cinematography Emmanuel Lubezki
Music Stephen Sondheim
Runtime 117 min

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Charlie Wilson’s War
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The Graduate | Dec 21st, 1967

The Graduate
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