Movies like The Blackout to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Science Fiction & Thriller movie The Blackout with Aleksey Chadov, Lukerya Ilyashenko, Pyotr Fyodorov & Svetlana Ivanova & created by Egor Baranov?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Blackout?

Life on Earth is rapidly destroyed except for a small area in Eastern Europe.

TAGLINE: "Who's going to save you when the world falls into darkness?"

Its release date is Thursday November 21, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Earth In Peril & Survival
Genre Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country Russia
Director Egor Baranov
Starring Aleksey Chadov, Lukerya Ilyashenko, Pyotr Fyodorov & Svetlana Ivanova
Written by Ilya Kulikov
Runtime 127 min