Movies like The Bloody Judge to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie The Bloody Judge with Christopher Lee, Hans Hass Jr., Leo Genn & Maria Schell & created by Jesús Franco?

Movies like The Bloody Judge with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Bloody Judge?

Sir Christopher Lee plays the Lord Chief Justice of seventeenth century England who condemns women as witches to further his political and sexual needs.

TAGLINE: "Gehetzt wie Hunde, gejagt wie Wölfe, verbrannt wie Teufel. Im Namen des Rechts!"

Its release date is Thursday February 5, 1970

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 17th Century, Torture & Witchcraft
Genre Horror
Country Liechtenstein
Director Jesús Franco
Starring Christopher Lee, Hans Hass Jr., Leo Genn & Maria Schell
Place England & London
Time 1680s
Written by Anthony Scott Veitch, Enrico Colombo (adaptation), Harry Alan Towers (story), Jesús Franco (adaptation) & Michael Haller
Runtime 84 min

Other Horror movies by Jesús Franco

Bloody Moon | Mar 27th, 1981

Bloody Moon
5.3/10 | By Jesús Franco
Germany & Spain | Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video

Lorna, the Exorcist | Dec 18th, 1974

Lorna, the Exorcist
5.9/10 | By Jesús Franco
France | Horror
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