Movies like The Company You Keep to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie The Company You Keep with Julie Christie, Robert Redford, Shia LaBeouf & Susan Sarandon & created by Robert Redford?

Movies like The Company You Keep with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Company You Keep?

A former Weather Underground activist goes on the run from a journalist who has discovered his identity.

TAGLINE: "The greatest manhunt in history."

Its release date is Thursday September 6, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Journalists & Terrorism
Genre Drama & Thriller
Country Canada & The United States
Director Robert Redford
Starring Julie Christie, Robert Redford, Shia LaBeouf & Susan Sarandon
Place Michigan, Milwaukee, New York (state), New York City & Wisconsin
Location Vancouver
Written by Lem Dobbs (screenplay by) & Neil Gordon (based on the novel by)
Cinematography Adriano Goldman
Music Cliff Martinez
Runtime 125 min

Other Drama movies by Robert Redford

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Lions for Lambs
6.2/10 | By Robert Redford
The United States | Action, Adventure & Drama
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Ordinary People | Sep 19th, 1980

Ordinary People
7.8/10 | By Robert Redford
The United States | Drama
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