Movies like The Fifth Estate to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie The Fifth Estate with Anthony Mackie, Benedict Cumberbatch, Daniel Brühl & David Thewlis & created by Bill Condon?

Movies like The Fifth Estate with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Fifth Estate?

A dramatic thriller based on real events that reveals the quest to expose the deceptions and corruptions of power that turned an Internet upstart into the 21st century's most fiercely debated organization.

TAGLINE: "You can't expose the world's secrets without exposing yourself"

Its release date is Friday October 11, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Activist, Activists, Biography, Information Leak, Internet, Journalist, Journalists & Security Surveillance
Genre Drama & Thriller
Country Belgium & India
Director Bill Condon
Starring Anthony Mackie, Benedict Cumberbatch, Daniel Brühl & David Thewlis
Place Berlin & London
Time 2010
Location Brussels
Written by Daniel Domscheit-Berg (book), David Leigh (book), Josh Singer (screenplay by) & Luke Harding (book)
Cinematography Tobias A. Schliessler
Music Carter Burwell
Runtime 128 min

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