Movies like The Final Code to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie The Final Code with Chip Chuipka, Ieva Lykos, Mara Stefan & Sally Kirkland?
Movies like The Final Code with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Final Code?
Kidnapped by her father in their own home basement, after several failed escape attempts, Sharon and her elder daughter devises a plan to run away from the atrocities and abuse suffered over 24 years. An emotional and upsetting story of a mother who, despite her severe depression, tries to save her seven siblings sons from their ogre father-grandfather. Will she succeed to change their destiny?
Its release date is Tuesday June 29, 2021
Its release date is Tuesday June 29, 2021
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Amnesia |
Genre | Drama & Thriller |
Country | Italy |
Starring | Chip Chuipka, Ieva Lykos, Mara Stefan & Sally Kirkland |