Movies like The Fly II to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie The Fly II with Daphne Zuniga, Eric Stoltz, John Getz & Lee Richardson & created by Chris Walas?

Movies like The Fly II with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Fly II?

The almost-human son of "Brundlefly" searches for a cure to his mutated genes while being monitored by a nefarious corporation that wishes to continue his father's experiments.

TAGLINE: "Like Father Like Son"

Its release date is Friday February 10, 1989

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Experiment, Fly The Insect, Genetic Engineering, Gore, Industrialist, Insects, Monster, Mutation, Orphans, Sequel, Shapeshifting, Teleportation & Transformation
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country Canada
Director Chris Walas
Starring Daphne Zuniga, Eric Stoltz, John Getz & Lee Richardson
Location British Columbia
Written by Frank Darabont (screenplay), George Langelaan (characters), Jim Wheat (screenplay), Ken Wheat (screenplay), Mick Garris (screenplay) & Mick Garris (story)
Runtime 105 min

Other Horror movies written by Frank Darabont (screenplay)

The Blob | Aug 5th, 1988

The Blob
6.5/10 | By Chuck Russell
United States of America | Horror & Science Fiction
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