Movies like The French Connection to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Thriller movie The French Connection with Fernando Rey, Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider & Tony Lo Bianco & created by William Friedkin?

Movies like The French Connection with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The French Connection?

A pair of NYC cops in the Narcotics Bureau stumble onto a drug smuggling job with a French connection.

TAGLINE: "There are no rules and no holds barred when Popeye cuts loose!"

Its release date is Saturday October 9, 1971

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Attempted Murder, Drug Dealer, Drug Mule, Drug Smuggle, French Connection, Gangster, Jewish American Organized Crime, Marseille, Night Life, Organized Crime France & Police Brutality
Genre Action, Crime & Thriller
Country The United States
Director William Friedkin
Starring Fernando Rey, Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider & Tony Lo Bianco
Place Brooklyn, Marseille & New York City
Location New York City
Written by Ernest Tidyman (screenplay by) & Robin Moore (based on the book by)
Cinematography Owen Roizman
Music Don Ellis
Runtime 104 min

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