Movies like The Ghost & Mr. Chicken to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Family & Mystery movie The Ghost & Mr. Chicken with Dick Sargent, Don Knotts, Joan Staley & Liam Redmond & created by Alan Rafkin?

Movies like The Ghost & Mr. Chicken with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Ghost & Mr. Chicken?

Luther Heggs aspires to be a reporter for his small town newspaper, the Rachel Courier Express. He gets his big break when the editor asks him to spend the night at the Simmons mansion that...


Its release date is Thursday January 20, 1966

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Courtroom, Haunted House, Newspaper, Organ, Organ Music, Secret Door, Slapstick & Trial
Genre Comedy, Family & Mystery
Country The United States
Director Alan Rafkin
Starring Dick Sargent, Don Knotts, Joan Staley & Liam Redmond
Written by Everett Greenbaum & James Fritzell
Cinematography William Margulies
Music Vic Mizzy
Runtime 90 min

Other Comedy movies by Alan Rafkin

Other Comedy movies written by Everett Greenbaum

The Reluctant Astronaut | Sep 5th, 1967

The Reluctant Astronaut
6.3/10 | By Edward Montagne
The United States | Comedy, Family & Science Fiction