Movies like The Great Raid to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, History & War movie The Great Raid with Benjamin Bratt, Connie Nielsen, James Franco & Marton Csokas & created by John Dahl?

Movies like The Great Raid with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Great Raid?

Taking place towards the end of WWII, 500 American Soldiers have been entrapped in a camp for 3 years. Beginning to give up hope they will ever be rescued, a group of Rangers goes on a dangerous mission to try and save them.

TAGLINE: "The most daring rescue mission of our time is a story that has never been told"

Its release date is Friday August 12, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 1940s, Archive Footage, based on novel, Narration, Prisoner Of War, Rescue mission, Soldier & World War Ii
Genre Action, History & War
Country The United States
Director John Dahl
Starring Benjamin Bratt, Connie Nielsen, James Franco & Marton Csokas
Place Philippines
Time 1940s
Location Foreign Philippines
Written by Carlo Bernard (screenplay), Doug Miro (screenplay), Hampton Sides (book) & William B. Breuer (book)
Cinematography Peter Menzies Jr.
Music Trevor Rabin
Runtime 132 min

Other Action movies written by Carlo Bernard (screenplay)

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6.6/10 | By Mike Newell
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