Movies like The Hairdresser’s Husband to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie The Hairdresser’s Husband with Anna Galiena, Jean Rochefort, Maurice Chevit & Roland Bertin & created by Patrice Leconte?

Movies like The Hairdresser’s Husband with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Hairdresser’s Husband?

Antoine has always been fascinated with a hairdresser's delicate touch, the beguiling perfume and the figure of a woman with an opulent bosom, moreover, he knew that he would marry one, fulfilling his dream of a perfect and idealised love.
Its release date is Wednesday October 3, 1990

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Falling In Love, Hairdresser, Little Boy, Man-woman Relation & Sex
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country France
Director Patrice Leconte
Starring Anna Galiena, Jean Rochefort, Maurice Chevit & Roland Bertin
Written by Claude Klotz & Patrice Leconte
Cinematography Eduardo Serra
Music Michael Nyman
Runtime 82 min

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