Movies like The Heat to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Crime movie The Heat with Demián Bichir, Marlon Wayans, Melissa McCarthy & Sandra Bullock & created by Paul Feig?

Movies like The Heat with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Heat?

An uptight FBI Special Agent is paired with a foul-mouthed Boston cop to take down a ruthless drug lord.

TAGLINE: "Action's never been so hot!"

Its release date is Thursday June 27, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Boston, Buddy Comedy, Criminal, Drug Lord, Fbi, Female Cop, Police, Transgenders & Usa
Genre Action, Comedy & Crime
Country The United States
Director Paul Feig
Starring Demián Bichir, Marlon Wayans, Melissa McCarthy & Sandra Bullock
Place Boston & Manhattan
Location Massachusetts
Written by Katie Dippold
Cinematography Robert Yeoman
Music Michael Andrews (musician)
Runtime 117 min

Other Action movies by Paul Feig

Spy | May 6th, 2015

7.0/10 | By Paul Feig
The United States | Action, Comedy & Crime
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Ghostbusters | Jul 14th, 2016

5.3/10 | By Paul Feig
The United States | Action, Comedy & Fantasy
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Other Action movies written by Katie Dippold

Ghostbusters | Jul 14th, 2016

5.3/10 | By Paul Feig
The United States | Action, Comedy & Fantasy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

Snatched | May 3rd, 2017

4.4/10 | By Jonathan Levine
The United States | Action & Comedy
Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation