Movies like The Iron Horse to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Western movie The Iron Horse with Charles Edward Bull, Cyril Chadwick, George O'Brien & Madge Bellamy & created by John Ford?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Iron Horse?

After witnessing the murder of his father by a renegade as a boy, the grown-up Brandon helps to realize his father's dream of a transcontinental railway.
Its release date is Sunday August 24, 1924

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Intercontintental Railroad, Native American, Railway & Springfield Illinois
Genre Western
Country The United States
Director John Ford
Starring Charles Edward Bull, Cyril Chadwick, George O'Brien & Madge Bellamy
Written by Charles Darnton (titles), Charles Kenyon (scenario), Charles Kenyon (story) & John Russell (story)
Cinematography George Schneiderman
Music Ernö Rapée
Runtime 150 min

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8.0/10 | By John Ford
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