Movies like The King Maker to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Drama movie The King Maker with Cindy Burbridge, Dom Hetrakul, Gary Stretch & John Rhys-Davies & created by Lek Kitaparaporn?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The King Maker?

Fernando De Gama, a Portuguese mercenary, sets sail for the Orient, where he reaches the Thai kingdom of Ayutthaya, in a bid to find the man that murdered his father.
Its release date is Thursday October 20, 2005

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Topic 16th Century, Based On A True Story, Dinosaurs, Empire State Building Fiction, Filmmaking, Legend, Motion Capture, Siam & Thailand
Genre Action, Adventure & Drama
Country Thailand
Director Lek Kitaparaporn
Starring Cindy Burbridge, Dom Hetrakul, Gary Stretch & John Rhys-Davies
Place Manhattan
Time 1933
Location New Zealand
Written by Sean Casey
Runtime 92 min