Movies like The Maestro: King of the Cowboy Artists to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie The Maestro: King of the Cowboy Artists with Gerald Gaxiola & created by Les Blank?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Maestro: King of the Cowboy Artists?
This documentary from Les Blank follows the indomitable Gerald "The Maestro" Gaxiola, who turned to a life of prolific art making after years as an aircraft mechanic, traveling salesman, and body builder.
Its release date is Saturday January 1, 1994
Its release date is Saturday January 1, 1994
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Topic | Artist & Independent Film |
Genre | Documentary |
Country | The United States |
Director | Les Blank |
Starring | Gerald Gaxiola |
Written by | N/A |
Runtime | 54 min |
Other Documentary movies by Les Blank
Chulas Fronteras | Dec 30th, 1976
7.5/10 | By Les Blank
Documentary & Music
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In Heaven There Is No Beer? | May 23rd, 1984
7.1/10 | By Les Blank
The United States | Documentary & Music
No streaming sources available just yet
Other Documentary movies written by N/A
Rooting for Roona | Oct 15th, 2020
N/A/10 | By Akshay Shankar(co-director) & Pavitra Chalam(co-director)
Al Franken – God Spoke | Jan 1st, 2006
6.5/10 | By Chris Hegedus & Nick Doob
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