Movies like The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Western movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance with James Stewart, John Wayne, Lee Marvin & Vera Miles & created by John Ford?

Movies like The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?

A senator, who became famous for killing a notorious outlaw, returns for the funeral of an old friend and tells the truth about his deed.

TAGLINE: "Two great stars together for the first time!"

Its release date is Sunday April 22, 1962

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Funeral, Gunslinger, Lawyer, Legend, Outlaw, Pistol, Showdown & To Shoot Dead
Genre Western
Country The United States
Director John Ford
Starring James Stewart, John Wayne, Lee Marvin & Vera Miles
Time 1870s & 1900s
Location Los Angeles
Written by Dorothy M. Johnson (based on the story by), James Warner Bellah (screenplay) & Willis Goldbeck (screenplay)
Cinematography William H. Clothier
Music *
Runtime 123 min

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The Iron Horse | Aug 24th, 1924

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