Movies like The Manchurian Candidate to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Mystery & Thriller movie The Manchurian Candidate with Angela Lansbury, Frank Sinatra, Janet Leigh & Laurence Harvey & created by John Frankenheimer?

Movies like The Manchurian Candidate with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Manchurian Candidate?

A former prisoner of war is brainwashed as an unwitting assassin for an international Communist conspiracy.

TAGLINE: "When you've seen it all, you'll swear there's never been anything like it!"

Its release date is Wednesday October 24, 1962

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Altered Memories, Assassinations, Brainwashed Assassin, Brainwashing, Cold War, Communist, Conspiracy, Election, Elections, Korean War, McCarthyism, Mind Control Fiction, Step parents & Uxoricide Fiction
Genre Mystery & Thriller
Country The United States
Director John Frankenheimer
Starring Angela Lansbury, Frank Sinatra, Janet Leigh & Laurence Harvey
Place New York City
Written by George Axelrod (screenplay) & Richard Condon (based upon a novel by)
Cinematography Lionel Lindon
Music David Amram
Runtime 126 min

Other Mystery movies by John Frankenheimer

Seconds | Oct 5th, 1966

7.7/10 | By John Frankenheimer
United States of America | Mystery, Science Fiction & Thriller
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