Movies like The Medallion to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Fantasy & Thriller movie The Medallion with Claire Forlani, Jackie Chan, Julian Sands & Lee Evans & created by Gordon Chan?

Movies like The Medallion with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Medallion?

A Hong Kong detective suffers a fatal accident involving a mysterious medallion and is transformed into an immortal warrior with superhuman powers.
Its release date is Friday August 15, 2003

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Detective, Fighter, Interpol, Leather Jacket, Medallion, Wizard & Wretch
Genre Action, Fantasy & Thriller
Country Hong Kong & The United States
Director Gordon Chan
Starring Claire Forlani, Jackie Chan, Julian Sands & Lee Evans
Written by Alfred Cheung, Alfred Cheung (story and original characters), Bennett Davlin, Bey Logan, Gordon Chan & Paul Wheeler
Cinematography Arthur Wong
Music Steve Porcaro
Runtime 88 min

Other Action movies by Gordon Chan

Thunderbolt | Sep 8th, 1995

6.4/10 | By Gordon Chan
Hong Kong | Action & Thriller
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King of Beggars | Dec 17th, 1992

King of Beggars
6.9/10 | By Gordon Chan
Hong Kong | Action, Comedy & Drama

The King of Fighters | Nov 4th, 2009

The King of Fighters
3.0/10 | By Gordon Chan
Canada | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
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