Movies like The Monkey’s Paw to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Thriller movie The Monkey’s Paw with Eric Micklewood, Megs Jenkins, Michael Martin Harvey & Milton Rosmer & created by Norman Lee?

Movies like The Monkey’s Paw with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Monkey’s Paw?

A mother wishes for the return of her dead son, and that wish is granted by a charm made from a severed monkey's paw.
Its release date is Tuesday June 1, 1948

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Curse, fate & Monkey Paw
Genre Thriller
Country United Kingdom
Director Norman Lee
Starring Eric Micklewood, Megs Jenkins, Michael Martin Harvey & Milton Rosmer
Written by Barbara Toy (screenplay), Norman Lee (screenplay) & W.W. Jacobs (from the famous story by)
Cinematography Bryan Langley
Music Stanley Black
Runtime 64 min