Movies like The Mosquito Philosophy to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Mosquito Philosophy with Pradeep Damodharan, Ravi Kathiresan, Sindhu Jayaprakash & Suresh Somasundaram Kumar & created by Jayaprakash Radhakrishnan & Ravi Kathiresan(co-director)?

Movies like The Mosquito Philosophy with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Mosquito Philosophy?

When Suresh springs a surprise on his friends by announcing that he is to be wedded, it is Suresh himself who is in for a surprise.

TAGLINE: "No scripts. No retakes. Life as is."

Its release date is Friday January 18, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Drama
Country India
Director Jayaprakash Radhakrishnan & Ravi Kathiresan(co-director)
Starring Pradeep Damodharan, Ravi Kathiresan, Sindhu Jayaprakash & Suresh Somasundaram Kumar
Written by Jayaprakash Radhakrishnan
Runtime 70 min