Movies like The Murcian Pyramids to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie The Murcian Pyramids with Iñigo Rodríguez, Isabel de Farnesio, Liana Guadaño & Miguel Guirado?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Murcian Pyramids?

Murcia, Spain, 2016. An eccentric and humorous journey, on the shoulders of ironic giants, in the search of the most enigmatic places of this Spanish region: considering different hypotheses, the possibility of the existence of pyramidal structures is investigated, crossing sometimes the border of the chimerical and exploring beyond the limits that were previously considered impassable.
Its release date is Thursday March 28, 2019

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Topic Electronic Music Band, Murcia, Occultism, Paranormal Investigation, Pyramids & Spain
Genre Documentary
Country Spain
Starring Iñigo Rodríguez, Isabel de Farnesio, Liana Guadaño & Miguel Guirado