Movies like The Nun to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Mystery & Thriller movie The Nun with Bonnie Aarons, Demián Bichir, Jonas Bloquet & Taissa Farmiga & created by Corin Hardy?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Nun?

A priest with a haunted past and a novitiate on the threshold of her final vows are sent by the Vatican to investigate the death of a young nun in Romania and confront a malevolent force in the form of a demonic nun.

TAGLINE: "Pray For Forgiveness"

Its release date is Wednesday September 5, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Demon, Demonic Possession, Evil Nun, Exorcism, Father, Rome Italy, Spin Off, Spirit & Supernatural
Genre Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Corin Hardy
Starring Bonnie Aarons, Demián Bichir, Jonas Bloquet & Taissa Farmiga
Place Romania
Time 1940s & 1950s
Location Bucharest & Romania
Written by Gary Dauberman (screenplay by), Gary Dauberman (story by) & James Wan (story by)
Cinematography Maxime Alexandre
Music Abel Korzeniowski
Runtime N/A

Other Horror movies by Corin Hardy

The Nun | Nov 3rd, 2005

The Nun
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The Hallow | Nov 6th, 2015

The Hallow
5.7/10 | By Corin Hardy
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Other Horror movies written by Gary Dauberman (screenplay by)

It: Chapter Two | Sep 5th, 2019

It: Chapter Two
N/A/10 | By Andy Muschietti
Canada | Horror
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It | Sep 5th, 2017

7.5/10 | By Andy Muschietti
The United States | Drama, Horror & Thriller
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