Movies like The Perfect Score to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Crime movie The Perfect Score with Bryan Greenberg, Chris Evans, Erika Christensen & Scarlett Johansson & created by Brian Robbins?

Movies like The Perfect Score with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Perfect Score?

Six high school seniors decide to break into the Princeton Testing Center so they can steal the answers to their upcoming SAT tests and all get perfect scores.

TAGLINE: "The S.A.T is hard to take. It's even harder to steal."

Its release date is Friday January 30, 2004

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Exams, Hacking, School, Secret, Student & Test
Genre Comedy & Crime
Country Germany & The United States
Director Brian Robbins
Starring Bryan Greenberg, Chris Evans, Erika Christensen & Scarlett Johansson
Location Los Angeles, New York City & Vancouver
Written by Jon Zack (screenplay), Jon Zack (story), Marc Hyman (screenplay), Marc Hyman (story) & Mark Schwahn (screenplay)
Cinematography Clark Mathis
Music John Murphy (composer)
Runtime 93 min

Other Comedy movies by Brian Robbins

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A Thousand Words
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Meet Dave | Jul 8th, 2008

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The Shaggy Dog | Mar 9th, 2006

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4.4/10 | By Brian Robbins
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