Movies like The Presence to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie The Presence with Andreas Stenschke, Henning Nöhren, Liv Lisa Fries & Matthias Dietrich & created by Daniele Grieco?

Movies like The Presence with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Presence?

Markus spends some time with his girlfriend Rebecca and friend Lukas in Hohnau castle which is uninhabited and supposed to be haunted. For two of them it's the last days of their lives.

TAGLINE: "Can a place be evil?"

Its release date is Friday October 31, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Found Footage, Ghost, Haunted Castle & Haunting
Genre Horror
Country Germany
Director Daniele Grieco
Starring Andreas Stenschke, Henning Nöhren, Liv Lisa Fries & Matthias Dietrich
Written by Daniele Grieco
Runtime 83 min