Movies like The Real McCoy to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Drama movie The Real McCoy with David Dwyer, Kim Basinger, Terence Stamp & Val Kilmer & created by Russell Mulcahy?

Movies like The Real McCoy with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Real McCoy?

A woman is released from prison, an expert bank robber who wants to settle down and go straight, but her parole officer and her former employer try to get her to pull one more heist.

TAGLINE: "20 guards. 30 tons of steel. A security system second to none. They said there wasn't a man on Earth who could pull off a bank job like this. They were right."

Its release date is Friday September 10, 1993

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bank Robbery, Master Thief, Motherly Love & Prison
Genre Action, Crime & Drama
Country The United States
Director Russell Mulcahy
Starring David Dwyer, Kim Basinger, Terence Stamp & Val Kilmer
Place Atlanta
Written by Desmond Lowden (novel), William Davies (screenplay) & William Osborne (screenplay)
Cinematography Denis Crossan
Music Brad Fiedel
Runtime 105 min

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Resident Evil: Extinction
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The Shadow | Jul 1st, 1994

The Shadow
6.9/10 | By E. Elias Merhige & Russell Mulcahy
The United States | Action, Adventure & Fantasy
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