Movies like The Remix: Hip Hop x Fashion to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie The Remix: Hip Hop x Fashion with & created by Farah Khalid & Lisa Cortes?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Remix: Hip Hop x Fashion?

The story of how hip hop changed fashion, leading to the stratospheric and global rise of street wear. It is a journey of African American creativity and the limitless possibilities of a cultural movement on a global scale.

TAGLINE: "The story of how hip hop changed fashion, leading to the stratospheric and clinal rise of street wear. It is a journey of African American creativity and the limitless possibilities of a cultural movement on a global scale"

Its release date is Thursday May 2, 2019

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Director Farah Khalid & Lisa Cortes
Written by Andrew Mer, Emil Wilbekin, Farah Khalid, Lisa Cortes & Mary Nittolo (Story Editor)
Runtime 67 min