Movies like The Rugrats Movie to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation & Family movie The Rugrats Movie with David Spade, E.G. Daily, Tara Strong & Whoopi Goldberg & created by Igor Kovalyov & Norton Virgien?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Rugrats Movie?
Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and newborn baby Dil get lost in the forest.
Its release date is Friday November 20, 1998
Its release date is Friday November 20, 1998
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Baby, Comedy, Home, Kids And Family, Missing People, Pregnancy, Pregnancy And Birth, Sequel & Sibling Relationship |
Genre | Animation & Family |
Country | The United States |
Director | Igor Kovalyov & Norton Virgien |
Starring | David Spade, E.G. Daily, Tara Strong & Whoopi Goldberg |
Place | Forests |
Written by | Arlene Klasky (based on the television series created by), David N. Weiss, Gabor Csupo (creator "Rugrats"), J. David Stem & Paul Germain (based on the television series created by) |
Music | Mark Mothersbaugh |
Runtime | 79 min |