Movies like The Saturn V Story to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie The Saturn V Story with John F. Kennedy & Werner Von Braun & created by Elliot Weaver & Zander Weaver?

Movies like The Saturn V Story with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Saturn V Story?

With the accolade of flying 24 men to the Moon, the Saturn V will always be considered one of Mankind's greatest technological achievements. This inspirational film reveals the colossal challenges NASA faced to make it fly.

TAGLINE: "Discover the story of the most powerful machine ever built and the Men who believed it could fly."

Its release date is Sunday April 13, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bullying, Dragons, Moon, NASA, Saturn V Rocket & Space Flights
Genre Documentary
Director Elliot Weaver & Zander Weaver
Starring John F. Kennedy & Werner Von Braun
Place United States & Washington (state)
Location Germany & Vancouver
Written by N/A
Runtime 52 min

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