Movies like The Scheme to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie The Scheme with & created by Pat Kondelis?

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The true story of basketball insider Christian Dawkins, who hustled the FBI in a scandal that threatened to take down the NCAA.

TAGLINE: "How to become a federal criminal without really trying."

Its release date is Tuesday March 31, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic American Cannabis & British Cannabis
Genre Documentary
Director Pat Kondelis
Place London
Location London
Written by N/A
Runtime N/A

Other Documentary movies by Pat Kondelis

Disgraced | Mar 10th, 2017

7.4/10 | By Pat Kondelis
United States of America | Documentary
Amazon Prime Video Showtime

Other Documentary movies written by N/A

Knuckleball! | Sep 18th, 2012

7.1/10 | By Anne Sundberg & Ricki Stern
United States of America | Documentary
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