Movies like The Scientist to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie The Scientist with Addison McGarry, J. Alan Nelson, Kristin Keith & Robb Hudspeth & created by Derrick Granado?

Movies like The Scientist with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Scientist?

A haunting psychological thriller about an unconventional scientist, Steve Unger, who struggles to care for his terminally-ill wife Darlene, who only has but a few weeks left to live. While...

TAGLINE: "He found a cure that kills."

Its release date is Monday September 21, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animated Robots & Dogs
Genre Horror
Director Derrick Granado
Starring Addison McGarry, J. Alan Nelson, Kristin Keith & Robb Hudspeth
Written by Derrick Granado
Runtime 93 min

Other Horror movies by Derrick Granado

The Damned Thing | Dec 5th, 2014

The Damned Thing
3.0/10 | By Derrick Granado
The United States | Horror & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes

Other Horror movies written by Derrick Granado

The Damned Thing | Dec 5th, 2014

The Damned Thing
3.0/10 | By Derrick Granado
The United States | Horror & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes