Movies like The Serpent and the Rainbow to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie The Serpent and the Rainbow with Bill Pullman, Cathy Tyson, Paul Winfield & Zakes Mokae & created by Wes Craven?

Movies like The Serpent and the Rainbow with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Serpent and the Rainbow?

An anthropologist goes to Haiti after hearing rumors about a drug used by black magic practitioners to turn people into zombies.

TAGLINE: "Don't bury me... I'm not dead!"

Its release date is Friday February 5, 1988

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Amazon, Boston, Haiti, Haitian Vodou Fiction, Hallucination, Jungle, Revolution, Spider, Superstition & Voodoo
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Wes Craven
Starring Bill Pullman, Cathy Tyson, Paul Winfield & Zakes Mokae
Place Haiti
Location Dominican Republic
Written by Adam Rodman (screenplay), Richard Maxwell (screenplay) & Wade Davis (inspired by the book)
Runtime 98 min

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