Movies like The Source of Shadows to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie The Source of Shadows with Éliane Gagnon, Janice Kingsley, Kelly Vrooman & Mathias Retamal & created by Adam O'Brien, Daniel Robinette, Dycee Wildman, Gigi Saul Guerrero, James Bowsher, Jennifer Bonior, John Rhee, John Rushing, Nicole Scherer, Ryan Bury, Sean Cruser & Zev Chevat?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Source of Shadows?

A series of stories woven together by one of our most primal fears, the fear of the unknown.
Its release date is Tuesday April 28, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Horror, Horror Anthology & Scary
Genre Horror
Director Adam O'Brien, Daniel Robinette, Dycee Wildman, Gigi Saul Guerrero, James Bowsher, Jennifer Bonior, John Rhee, John Rushing, Nicole Scherer, Ryan Bury, Sean Cruser & Zev Chevat
Starring Éliane Gagnon, Janice Kingsley, Kelly Vrooman & Mathias Retamal
Time 2020
Written by Adam O'Brien (Banshee), Dycee Wildman (Inside The House), Gigi Saul Guerrero (Bestia), James Bowsher (Withheld), Jennifer Bonior (Inside The House), Jérôme Gariépy (Banshee), John Rhee (Don't Look Into Their Eyes), Julien Maisonneuve (Banshee), Nicole Scherer (Am Berg), Raynor Shima (Bestia), Ryan Bury (Adrift: Transient), Sean Cruser (Adrift: Transient), Trevor Botkin (Banshee) & Zev Chevat (Beastly Things)
Runtime 83 min

Other Horror movies by Adam O'Brien

ASYLUM: Twisted Horror and Fantasy Tales
7.2/10 | By Adam O'Brien, Albert Pintó, Alejandro Damiani, Carlos Goitia, Caye Casas, Damien LeVeck, Denis Walgenwitz, Hendryk Witscherkowsky, Kheireddine El-Helou, Mat Johns, Nicolás Onetti & Vincent Paronnaud
New Zealand | Comedy, Horror & Science Fiction
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A Night of Horror: Nightmare Radio
6.5/10 | By A.J. Briones, Adam O'Brien, Jason Bognacki, Joshua Long, Luciano Onetti, Matthew Richards, Nicolás Onetti, Oliver Park, Pablo S. Pastor & Sergio Morcillo
Argentina | Horror
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